Photo caption 1: Austin Pocklington, spray operator for the Ziebarth family over their properties through Southern New South Wales, takes a break from the office, one of the latest 7380 models from the Miller Nitro 7000 Series.
Photo caption 2: Selecting a sprayer also for windrowing put Southern New South Wales grower John Ziebarth into Miller sprayers many years ago. He is pictured with a 12-metre (40-foot) MacDon front, which is easily attached with a special bracket adaption frame that Miller offers as an option for both MacDon and Honey Bee fronts of this size.
John Ziebarth
Southern NSW
Cropping wheat, canola and pulse crops from Moorwatha, near Albury, stretching north-west up to Coreen Hill, near Daysdale, plus running some cattle.
No doubt your sprayer would get a work-out and especially last season with the wet conditions?
“It can pass over paddocks six times in a 12-month period. It was put to work more last season against diseases like sclerotinia in canola, as well as leaf and stripe rust in wheat. When you add the summer spraying and in-season herbicide applications, including for resistant ryegrass in places and fleabane, which is a constant problem, as well as the windrowing of canola, it gets used a hell of a lot.’’
Windrowing has been a key activity with the Miller sprayers you have had. How have things gone with your latest Miller Nitro 7380 sprayer?
“The traction control was fantastic in the wet conditions last season, saving the need to contract aircraft sprayers. This machine marches through bog holes, whereas the older sprayers could get bogged. When you are coming to a wet spot, all four wheels can lock-up like a diff-lock, and it’s got a built-in limited slip.’’
How did you find the narrower (480/80R50 VF-style) tyres?
“They knock down less crop, although they are just as much rubber as the other tyres and allow a longer footprint – we were very impressed.’’
Is stability in your hilly terrain and fuel efficiency also important?
“We can spray a bloody lot on a tank full of fuel now.’’
Did the Raven XRT high resolution height control system also work okay with your John Deere SolSteer guidance system?
“All we did is just plug it in and operate.’’
How’s the cabin with the latest Miller Nitro sprayers?
“It’s a bit quieter and it’s way more comfortable.’’