Photo caption: NSW grower Brett O’Hare (second from left) and his partner, Bonnie, who farm at Mirrool, with some of the team from Temora Truck and Tractor, Branch Manager Tom Harvey, Liam Moody (work experience) and Adam Prentice, during the delivery of the O’Hare’s new Miller Nitro 7380 sprayer this season.
Mirrool, NSW
Growing grazing wheat and barley, as well as canola, lupins, oats and lucerne clover pastures over about 3000ha and running around 1600 Merino and first-cross ewes over about 500ha.
What is the major focus for your spraying?
“Ryegrass is probably our number one weed and is the reason we have stuck to using Sakura (herbicide) in wheat. We have seen the odd bit of resistance (to herbicides). We also get a few capeweed and mustard – we certainly seem to be spraying all the time.’’
After hiring a converted cotton picker previously, how has the move into the front-mounted Miller Nitro 7380 sprayer gone?
“Tom Harvey at Temora Truck & Tractor recommended it and it has been pretty good. The support from Tom, Gavin (Duffy) and the team there has been great. I like having the boom out the front to see where I’m going, plus you can drive straight into corners and lift it up over fence lines, making sure you get all the weeds in the paddock.’’
Were there some other major features that attracted you to the latest Miller 7000 series sprayers?
“Being able to windrow with the Miller was very strong and we will get set up for spraying whilst windrowing next year. We will put a boom along the back of the windrower (a 13.5m MacDon 2152) to effectively do an early summer spray with Roundup.’’
How have you viewed its performance in its first season for you?
“I reckon the fuel efficiency is better (than our previous sprayer), so we are happy. We are getting about 800ha out of the (568-litre) fuel tank. In one paddock we also did over 30km/hr and it didn’t faze it one bit – and it was very efficient. We’ve also cranked it up to 2100 RPM in the wet.’’
How have you found the Miller IntelliSpray pulse nozzle system and turn compensation?
“You pick your pressure and it will adjust the output to get the right amount of chemical out, but keeps the droplet size. With turn compensation, if the outside of your boom swings faster, like around trees, it puts more to the outside of your boom and less on the inside to compensate. This helps to get the rate right everywhere, which helps with resistance. You don’t want to be giving weeds sublethal doses.’’
Did the Raven XRT high resolution height control system and one-touch auto-fold feature also work well for you?
“The boom just automatically adjusts and when you turn it will lift it up a bit. It’s good to watch – it’s magic. The one-touch auto-fold is great too – really good. You don’t have to press several buttons or bits at a time.’’
Have you enjoyed the driving experience in the Miller Nitro 7380, with its good stability, flotation and comfortable cab?
“I had a crook back from the old set-up that shook me to pieces, whereas this is like sitting in a cloud. The flotation with the Miller is great, it rides nicely and it handles the wet quite well. We have certainly had a wetter than normal growing season.’’